"I have been studying the book for some time and have implemented many of her ideas, but when I attended the workshop I was able to understand the concepts of the book on a whole new level that will enable me to make the changes I am seeking in my life. She was very powerful!"

Ofra Haredim 

What Women Are Saying...

"After the Workshop on Anger and Resentment, I went out to dinner with my husband for the first time in years. It was life changing."


"Rabanit Yosef wakes a person up to the myriad of negative thoughts both in our minds and in our surrounding environment. Since studying her book, and taking her workshop and listening nightly to her CD, I am more conscious of my own negative self-talk and perceptions. The powerful tools she emphasizes create a step by step blueprint for positivity and flow of Hashem's bracha."  

Mrs. Perel Dena Hochman...has been studying and teaching a weekly class on  the Rabanit Sara Yosef's book "It's All In Your Mind" with Hasidic insights to women of all ages in the Los Angeles community.

"The book has had a deep impact on my life, so much so that I had to seek the Rebbetzin out when I went to Eretz Yisrael to thank her. Once I heard her workshops and started doing the meditations, I have seen miracles in my life. My trust in Hashem has gone to another level. I never thought I could experience a feeling of calm when I am hit with challenges. I feel Hashem in my life at every moment like I never could or knew how to before."

Pesa Chaya Fauman

Reading and learning from Rabbanit Sara Yosef's book, It's All in your Mind, has enabled me to look at and react to many situations in my daily life in a much more positive and productive way. It has become an essential tool that I use to get me through many challenges that arise in life, whether small or overwhelming.  The Rabanit's stories, examples and explanations have helped me to stop worrying so much and to live in the present!

Karen Sarto

I can’t wait to hear the meditations from the workshops before I go to sleep.  The soothing voice behind the visualization meditations gently guides me into a positive mindset and instills calmness and trust that Hashem loves me and that anything is possible!  

Terri Levin

(Click on the book to order from JudaicaSavings.com)